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Deliverables for BioInspired
- Model Neuron in Verilog (Steve)
- Model Neuron in NEURON or GENESIS
- Literature review
What to model?
- Ant brain? What's up with this?
- Classic examples?
Mark Paper Ideas
- Turing Machine - This sis clasical computing
- Simple brains - talk in details
- Nueral Nets
- Higher food chain similar different? More or different? Unknown? What leads to computation?
- Computation that happens at the back of the eye
- Distributed computing - spinal cord - back of the brain
- Brain is X gigabyes of data
- Reacting before the signal reaches the brain.
- Computing in a great whale.
- Chemicals are slower than copper and electricty.
- How has nature come up with things that can do computation.
- How does the brain deal with defects? Sleep deprevation?
- Brain body inferace - electornics? Cyborgs?
Questions for Review of Literature
- What is a neuron?
- How do neurons communicate?
- How do neurons compute information presented to them?
- What advantages does neural computing have over traditional digital and analog computing?
- What parallels exist between neural and computer processing?
- What factors influence timing in neural networks? How do biological systems adapt to slowness?
- Where next? What is still unknown in the field?
- == Due Sunday 3PM, December 5th ==
- Each group member will answer all of the six questions
- The answers will be synthesized beginning Sunday
- Meeting Sunday Night (9PM) in the libary to discuss what to model.