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FPGAs All The Way!

Group members for /VideoFpgaProject: Joy Poisel, Kate Cummings, Chris Murphy

Group members for more theoretical project: Sarah Zwicker, Kathy King

Resources -- MarkChang

Here is one paper, written by a close friend, that is a good review of reconfigurable computing and FPGA devices in general. At 40 pages, it is quite the read. However, you don't have to read the whole thing. -- MarkChang

(PDF) K. Compton, S. Hauck, "Reconfigurable Computing: A Survey of Systems and Software", ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 34, No. 2. pp. 171-210. June 2002

You are welcome to come into my office and pick up proceedings that I have from the FPGA, FCCM, and FPL conferences. Also, you can grab some of the hardware from the same shelf in the white boxes. Just leave a note.

Interesting FPGA computer architecture links:

What hardware do we have? -- MarkChang

MarkChang has boards from Digilent Inc.

10 each: D2SB-DIO4

10 each: Spartan-3

These boards are fully self-contained development kits. Everything you need (except software) is in the one box.

What software do we use? -- MarkChang

You can get free software from Xilinx to do all your development. The Xilinx Webpack ISE is a complete IDE for FPGA development. It includes a synthesizer, an HDL compiler, as well as all the bitstream generation and code-downloading utilities to support the devices we have. You need a parallel port to hook up the boards via JTAG cable. The simulator is Modelsim Xilinx Edition II, also free.

I suggest you register a common user for your group and obtain one product key. I think that will work. Or, you can use my information:

    Name: Mark Chang
    Product ID: KWW123456789

Register for a product key here: Xilinx Webpack ISE

Download a copy of both Xilinx Webpack ISE and Modelsim XE-II here (instead of from Xilinx): http://fpga.olin.edu/nosync/fpga

A rather glitzy Flash tutorial for using the Xilinx ISE stuff: http://www.xilinx.com/products/cpldsolutions/flash/ise6/cplddemo.html

A site that Chris found: http://www.opencores.org

What Sarah and Kathy are doing




More papers:

Papers from Mark on FPGA architecture and other good stuff

2013-08-01 15:09