Project Plan
The Jigsaw project got us halfway there. The final project takes us the rest of the way. The basic idea is to take some of the seeds we planted in the Fall 2007/Jigsaw Project and either take it to the next level. You can stay on the same subject or take on a new one. We have "experts" in the room now on a number of topics, so use them to help jump start your project.
Primarily, I would like you and your team (but you can work alone) to experiment, build, and experience something. The Jigsaw part was the background research. The final project is your chance to try out the new knowledge.
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
- Boutles Ginneh Hyeon Yong-Min
- Our deliverable will be a write up and a demonstration. It will be due before expo, during finals.
- We are going to work on image recognition. We plan on moving in time into image set recognition with the data we receive from the first part.
- Kent Brad Herbert
Bioinspired Computing
- Andy Peter
- We will write a paper that reviews current work in the field of biocomputing. We will turn the paper in on the day of the final.
Quantum Computing
- I'd like to give an instructional presentation, presenting some specific concept from my research in a way that is easy to understand
Neural Network on FPGA
KevinBretney and Saki
- Saki and I want to implement a neural network on an FPGA
- Deliverable?
Apollo Computer
AshWalker and AnnieMartin
- Our goal is to simulate the Apollo Block I computer in verilog. We hope to at least simulate the lower level 12 command CPU, with an upper goal of simulate the entire 77 noun and 77 verb computer used by the astronauts. Or at least a subset of those parts of speech that demonstrates how the entire system would work. Since we don't actually have a spaceship to control, simulating all 154 parts of speech may be a bit useless.
- To demonstrate our project, we would love a sit-down-with Mark chat, to show what we have done. We think we will have this done by the week of finals (12-13 to 12-15), any time that is convenient to meet with you
Compiler Visualization
MattAasted ConnorRiley HelenLR
- Visualization of a compiler abstract syntax tree
- Deliverable during expo
File Systems
Thomas DavidNelson Nik
- Creation of a file system using (maybe) FUSE
- Presentation during finals period
FPGA Cat and Mouse Game
- Lyndsey Angela Bill Leif
- We plan on using an FPGA to make a cat and mouse game that can potentially be expanded using a neural network
- We would like to turn in the final deliverable during finals period.
- Bennet and Joe Funke
Try this
- This game will be played on a VGA or possibly RCA monitor. We will experiment with variations on the interaction device or the addition of some additional hardware to modify the game- initial ideas are using a mouse rather than a keyboard, or adding in biofeedback such as heartrate or skin conductivity to modify game play.
- We would like to deliver a demo of the game, including working hardware and a screen to play it on. This activity will occur sometime during the course of Expo, either during a poster session or during one of the open/non-evaluated presentation periods.
Verilog Go
- Molly
- Final deliverable would be hardware implemented in verilog that could understand a game of go being played out, and know hen stones have been captured.
- Super Awesome presentation during finals period.
Expanded CPU
MattCrawford and Kira
- We will implement more instructions for our CPU
- Deliverable: a demo with Mark on the 17th or 18th
SuperCool FPGA soft-processor peripheral thing that probably plays games
- Boris, Danulon Codybot, Kgoofy
- We will implement a soft processor on our FPGA and 'connect' it to a hardware peripheral on the same chip. Complexity of peripheral inversely proportional to time it takes to get a processor going. Probably NTSC video or VGA video, also maybe sound, also maybe Frogger or Connect 4. It'll be a fun party.
- Deliverable: We'll show Mark what we have sometime during finals